Graphene Oxide

Low molecular weight hylauronic acid (LMWHA), Cy7 labeled

Cat. No. HA1L-S7-1
Unit Size 2 mg
Price $485.00


Nanocs provides a variety of chemically functionalized and bioconjugated low molecular weight hylauronic acid (LMWHA) with different functionality. LMWHA has better solubility and permeability. These functional Hylauronic acid products were purified by size chromatography to remove non-conjugated molecules and ensure adequate applications both in-vitro and in-vivo.


  • 20~40 functional groups on each hylauronic acid molecule.
  • Hylauronci acid conjugates provided either in water solution and dried powder;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store4 0C, dessiccated Protect from light.